Sunday, August 31, 2014


Forgive. Just what does it mean to each of us personally? When you release yourself (forgiving) from carrying others mistakes, anger, love not given for the love you gave to them; physical and emotional hurts, lack of care, etc. - you take a huge burden off your back for you have been carrying these hurts and anger for too long. It leaves issues between you unresolved and it takes up a lot of space in your heart and soul. A Very Great Soul said these words in the last minutes of His earthly life - "Forgive them Father for they know not what they do". If HE could say it and do it - so can we. It releases us to move on and upward and isn't that Our Goal? 

Know also that every experience you have in this earthly life is there for you to Remember that Wisdom is there somewhere to be used to make this Earth the Heaven it can be. The promise of a New Heaven and a New Earth was not empty. But we do have to do our part. We Rise To Our Heights For Giving (forgiving). Love and Blessings to All.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Key to Manifestation

Our language works with physics just as everything else on this planet works with physics. We are energy, everything in the Universe is energy. Saying that - look at the words you are using today. Is there fear and lack in what you are saying and thinking? The universal energy does not look at the words as much as the energy these words generate to create your life. Is your energy today saying it does not have enough and is afraid and feeling in poverty? 

Your energy is using your emotions and words to create for you in every instant. You are learning today because you will use it to teach others. 

Remember the Triangle of Manifestation. The base of the triangle is the foundation of your creation, what you see for your life - what you are choosing to create in your life right now. The left side of your triangle is your intention, where you speak your words, your intention for your vision, what you are ready to receive. The third side is your Vision - as you see it manifesting. The tip of your triangle is where you put the Key - your Emotion - because it is your emotions, your feelings that form the final creation. If all three sides are done beautifully and then when you get ready to put the Key in the Lock of Creation and you put fear and doubt in - than your creation comes out much less than you intended at the beginning. So to create what you truly desire - put the right feelings into it - no doubt, fear, or unworthiness. State your Intention, Speak your Words, See your Vision and then take the Key of Total Belief and you will see Your Manifestation take Form. Be Blessed and Be a Blessing.

Sunday, July 20, 2014


Just a note to You and to Myself that all the affirmations, dreams and Truths we are putting out there will come to pass, into manifestation. Our world is a much slower vibration than that of the Universe where we have placed our prayers, requests, dreams,etc. IT receives everything we put into It. What we must Remember is there is a lag time between All That Is and our ability to receive in this slower vibration. ASK AND IT WILL BE GIVEN IS TRUTH. It simply has to adjust to come forward into our lives. So, Know Your Prayers Will Be Answered and are on their way to You - NOW. Love and Blessings to All of You.

Friday, July 11, 2014

"The Shift" 2014 movie trailer (click on link below)

We are in a very powerful Shift now; one that the great prophets predicted for thousands of years. The changes now are creating a new world. Old structures are falling away that don't work for us anymore. Be at peace and know we are all moving forward together into a new life. A new vision.

"The Shift" 2014 movie trailer

Capricorn and Cancer Full Moon

Early Tomorrow morning the full moon in Capricorn arrives. Capricorn represents the structure and foundation of our bodies, our world, our political system - it is the skeleton that holds us together. It also represents time and holding on to old structures; beliefs about our lives, etc. As in all Full Moons, it holds hands with its opposite sign, Cancer. Cancer is the nurturing part of ourselves, the home, the love we share with others that makes a home, a Country, etc. 
This full moon is putting us on alert that we have to come back into balance with these two powers - our old structures, foundations and the feminine nurturing energies that keeps life going in a positive way. Without this balance being restored we only have destructive chaos. 

The positive side of the Capricorn energy is that when we honor the good in our lives and see where we can make changes and make them for the good of all, we stand strong. When it is only about accumulating power for ourselves, we create unhappiness. When we use what we have leaned from our past for the good of all - we build a stronger foundation. Combine that with the nurturing and loving energies of Cancer - we can renew and rebuild our lives and our world into a loving nurturing Home. 

Tonight is the time to state your affirmations for your own life and for the world you live in. We are in a very powerful Shift now; one that the great prophets predicted for thousands of years. You chose to be here; to add your energy to these changes to create a new world. Stay on target and know how powerful you and your intentions are and use them to see these positive changes take place.
Be Blessed

Monday, July 7, 2014

July 7th, 2014 - 777

The 777 energy today is powerful. An easy way to look at it, if you don't know numerology, is to look at the shape of the number itself. It is essentially two 1's. One is standing upward alone reaching for its highest and best; the other 1 is laying down and humbling itself to the Highest Power. There is a divinity in this number - it is the human reaching for his/her divinity. There is a power and a feeling of being alone in this reaching upward. So with the three 7's - you are reaching for your Power and Divinity on all three levels - Body, Mind and Spirit . Very Powerful.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Sacred Words

When you meditate and pray, know you are speaking to the Divine. The sacred words you use can and will remove all 3rd dimensional obstacles you have placed in your lives to stop those desires; your prayers from manifesting. 

The First Sacred Word is the LIGHT - of the Divine Father. 
The 2nd Word is the safety of the LOVE - of the Divine Mother. 
The Third Sacred word is the Balance of the Father and Mother together - the Power of BALANCE.

Father, Mother, God today I will dedicate my life to Love, Light and Balance. I know through YOU, all is well in my Life. Thank YOU, Father, Mother, GOD for all YOUR BLESSINGS. Amen
Be Light, Love and Balance today and You Will be Blessed.